How does food influence longevity?
How does food influence longevity?
What you eat has through many studies shown a correlation to a longer and healthier life, whether that is through studying areas with more older people than average (blue zones)or looking at early deaths through obesity the impact of food has never been more certain. Ways we have seen a food/longevity correlation.
Recommended diets for longevity
By looking at those people who live longer and healthier, scientists have come to some conclusions about what will contribute to a better later life. View diets and their pros and cons.
Why you need to be sceptical about food claims?
Every day a new story comes out about the next superfood; what can you believe? To evaluate the claim find out what type of study it is, has there been evidence seen in humans and are there other factors that could have skewed the results. Evaluating food studies.
Jargon buster
Gut Biome
Longitudinal studies
Blue zones
MIND diet
DASH diet
Book reviews
Tools & Resources
Healthy weight scales
BMI scale
The body mass index, this work for most people but not those with a high muscle density.
Alternatives to BMI
Recipes for popular longevity diets
Mediterranean diet
Dash Diet
Japanese Diets
Fasting diets
Brain boosting diets