This book could save your life by Graham Lawton


A book that gives you a clear scientific analysis of the fads and facts that are banded about as ways to live longer and better. Going through the basic things like what we should, eat whether we should drink alcohol and how much we need to exercise it breaks down the fundamentals of what will really make a difference. It is a hopeful book which starts with this great paragraph which sets the tone for the rest of the book which is not about being morally superior, but just explaining what makes the most sense:

"I  have a confession to make: I'm an overweight, lazy slob. I love beer and fast food and the odd crafty fag outside a pub. I can't remember the last time I drank fewer than fourteen units of alcohol in a week. .."

It can be overwhelming to try and synthesise all the information that we receive on a dialy basis in articles, on our social media feeds and from friends and often people just feel the complexity is so great why bother at all. I found this easy to read and it gave you a balanced view that was neither patronising or sensationalist. I felt better for reading it and understanding what I really should focus on so help me better for longer.

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A book that gives you a clear scientific analysis of the fads and facts that are banded about as ways to live longer and better. Going through the basic things like what we should, eat whether we should drink alcohol and how much we need to exercise it breaks down the fundamentals of what will really make a difference. It is a hopeful book which starts with this great paragraph which sets the tone for the rest of the book which is not about being morally superior, but just explaining what makes the most sense:

"I  have a confession to make: I'm an overweight, lazy slob. I love beer and fast food and the odd crafty fag outside a pub. I can't remember the last time I drank fewer than fourteen units of alcohol in a week. .."

It can be overwhelming to try and synthesise all the information that we receive on a dialy basis in articles, on our social media feeds and from friends and often people just feel the complexity is so great why bother at all. I found this easy to read and it gave you a balanced view that was neither patronising or sensationalist. I felt better for reading it and understanding what I really should focus on so help me better for longer.